Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ultimate Brian (Or Bryan)

I was just thinking about the weird connection between Ultimate X-men and people named Brian (or some variation thereof). While the series' first writer was named Mark (Millar to those not in the know), he was succeeded by Brian Michael Bendis, who, after finishing his run, was replaced by Brian K. Vaughan. Soon, we'll be getting those much fabled issues written (or supervised or whatevered) by Bryan Singer (yes, THAT Bryan Singer). What up with this? Coincidence? Nepotism toward people named a certain way? Karma? An evil plot by Dr. Doom? How did this happen?! Something else to ask is: Who'll be following Singer's run? Will Vaughan return and maintain the Brian lineage. Will they get someone else named Bri(y)an? Will the next writer, whether he/she is a true Brian, officially change their name TO Brian if necessary to maintain the pattern? Will we get Brian Brubaker, Bryan Ellis or B. Michael Straczynski? Only time will tell.


Blogger Brian Cronin said...

And if the comic is BAD, it is sure to be mocked by Brian Cronin.


I think not.

Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:31:00 PM  
Blogger Ken Robinson said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, Brian, since I've been reading some of yours for a while now.

I look forward to the Ultimate Mockery, should it be necessary.

Ultimate Mockery? Isn't that one of the Ultimate Galactus mini's from Warren Ellis?

Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:44:00 PM  

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