Friday, June 10, 2005

Professor X: Bonehead?

Professor Charles Xavier: Conscientious genius who holds several doctorates; Leading expert in the field of genetic mutation in the marvel universe; Founder of the X-men, mutant superheroes who battle for the rights of their kind; Paraplegic who has accepted his condition and refuses to bound by it. All remarkable accomplishments. So, why does this great man not have any wheelchair accessible ramps at his mansion? Neither does he have any of those elevator things that allow people in wheelchairs to go up stairways (Sorry if you get lost in all the technical detail. Trying my best to stick to Layman's, but...). This guy is rich! He's brilliant! He's in a wheelchair! What is going on here?!


Blogger Frank said...

Interesting point you bring up... just as you say, the movies don't show any means for him to get from one level of the mansion to another. This is really going to bother me now when I re-watch the movies going forward! LOL!

Saturday, June 11, 2005 9:37:00 PM  
Blogger Ken Robinson said...

The comics have never shown any way for him to get around in that wheelchair, either, as far as I and Paul O'Brien can recall (And Paul's excellent as far as X-men info goes). Charles did have a hoverchair for a while in the 90's, though, which must have helped.

Saturday, June 11, 2005 9:52:00 PM  

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